8 hours into soaking in citrus juice, i was invited to a bbq the next day

The timing of the invite was truly regrettable.   There is no going back with fish, and i really need to share this.

Drawing on my expertise as a Master Salsatian, i attempted ceviche. Results: DELICIOUS!


  • 2 lbs mexican red snapper (aka, rockfish, ~$2.6/lb) that’s been frozen in a tupperware for a month
  • 2 red bell peppers
  • 1 very hot yellow paper, who’s name i do not know. Hispanic grocers assume the names are known to you. It is right next to the jalapenos and cayennes.
  • 1 large red onion. definitely red is better than white, and never do yellow in something not cooked
  • half a bunch of cilantro
  • 3 med tomatos
  • some salt
  • some sweet’n’low
  • juice from 3 lemons, and 1.5 bags of Mexican limes

1. Leave fish out overnight. This avoids having to quick thaw it using hot water and a tupperware. Don’t worry, the cooking process is to immerse the meat in citric acid and sear the flesh into an edible pate. Chop into 3/8th inch cubes, an ideal size for flesh-immolation and chemical burning

2. Buy a juicer. Squeezing fruit by hand is an eye-risk and leaves seeds randomly in a 20 foot radius. Unless you are looking to build hand-strength, or finger strength squeezing 50 half tinyLimes.

3. Cover fish in citrus juice, refrigerate for about 8 hours, stir often. Fish should turn deathly-white and exude a fine bouillabaisse   of lime-juice and sushi.

4. Chop up everything else, very small. Except the things that should be chopped super-duper tiny. Size matters. Anything fresh will be great in salsa, but a dip requires an upper boundary of corn-kernelesque, and a lower boundary of pasty but not watery.

5. Throw it in and chill for another hour or 2.