8 hours into soaking in citrus juice, i was invited to a bbq the next day

The timing of the invite was truly regrettable.   There is no going back with fish, and i really need to share this.

Drawing on my expertise as a Master Salsatian, i attempted ceviche. Results: DELICIOUS!


  • 2 lbs mexican red snapper (aka, rockfish, ~$2.6/lb) that’s been frozen in a tupperware for a month
  • 2 red bell peppers
  • 1 very hot yellow paper, who’s name i do not know. Hispanic grocers assume the names are known to you. It is right next to the jalapenos and cayennes.
  • 1 large red onion. definitely red is better than white, and never do yellow in something not cooked
  • half a bunch of cilantro
  • 3 med tomatos
  • some salt
  • some sweet’n’low
  • juice from 3 lemons, and 1.5 bags of Mexican limes

1. Leave fish out overnight. This avoids having to quick thaw it using hot water and a tupperware. Don’t worry, the cooking process is to immerse the meat in citric acid and sear the flesh into an edible pate. Chop into 3/8th inch cubes, an ideal size for flesh-immolation and chemical burning

2. Buy a juicer. Squeezing fruit by hand is an eye-risk and leaves seeds randomly in a 20 foot radius. Unless you are looking to build hand-strength, or finger strength squeezing 50 half tinyLimes.

3. Cover fish in citrus juice, refrigerate for about 8 hours, stir often. Fish should turn deathly-white and exude a fine bouillabaisse   of lime-juice and sushi.

4. Chop up everything else, very small. Except the things that should be chopped super-duper tiny. Size matters. Anything fresh will be great in salsa, but a dip requires an upper boundary of corn-kernelesque, and a lower boundary of pasty but not watery.

5. Throw it in and chill for another hour or 2.


  1. You had me until the sweet’n’low. Seriously? Sweet’n’low? Why not just take a cup of street runoff from the last monsoon and add 3 Tbsp of honey?

    Surely there must be an alternative to sweet’n’low. And, I promise to stop calling you Shirley.


  2. Looks delish! But on the flip-side: I concur with jt. SnL? gah! Hopefully, no stowaway larval nematodes as well. Can you tell I’m squeamish about raw meat.

  3. Sweet and low is very potent at cutting the bite, never tried sugar but i’m afraid it would taste too sugary.

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