Stupid Ways to Die

This was supposed to be an easy night – a simple shakedown and stretching night. until 2 nearly tragic, stupid incidents smacked me back into reality.

š – test the seat on the Superlight for an easy 30 minutes spin so as not to repeat the conundrum of last week’s commute

š – confirm the rear-wheel seal and shifting on the Blur for an easy 30 minute spin to get ready for the race this weekend

š – sneak into Red Mountain Ranch pool and stretch the shoulders for 500 meters


…er…not quite.

cruising down my street about 8:30 with Kila in tow, a car coming up the street turned left into their driveway right in front of me. ironic that I had a blinky on my back, and a white jersey, but figured nah i don’t need a headlight for such a mundane 3 miles. They hit the brakes, I hit the brakes, which was not easy one handed while hauling Kila’s leash back with the other arm. Kila got a good case of whiplash. Can’t blame em, we were moving fast, and they did see me in the end. WHEW!

20 minutes later, just plinking along next to the fire station, i hear rattle rattle rattle about 3 feet from me. This came 2 days after Kila flushed another rattler 5 yards outside of Red Mountain Park.

all this after 3 Sundays in a row riding to Tortilla Flat with boat traffic, 30 miles 2x a week playing in rush hour traffic, and bombing down Geronimo. one of those nights on the bike that makes you wonder if you’re on borrowed time.