Camping Trip

First time camping with G!

technically, she went camping at about 9 months during the MS150 in ’06. but she was not walking, there were facilities, and there was no filth. Primitive camping during monsoon season at 7500 feet was much more trial by fire. While entire wardrobes were rendered useless in the blink of an eye, and sandbox shovels were conscripted into poo-burial details, on the whole things went fabulously!

G enjoyed the freedom to explore, and mostly kept herself out of danger. Flag is so much kinder than Phoenix in that regard that it was not hard, other than the moisture and the filth. There was no way to keep G clean and dry, and we knew almost immediately that the extra clothes and several pairs of extra shoes would be no match for the will of t.Human to plunge into muddiness. Alas…

I also brought her little yellow table, and this was a stroke of brilliance. If I cleaned it up and charged $49 on REI’s website I could sell it as a lightweight, collapsible, easily cleanable camping tool! At least we were able to eat dinner and have a place for our stuff with minimal filth. G felt right at home eating up upon her dinner table.

She enjoyed the tent — who wouldn’t!?!? And the sleeping arrangement being just a tad more cramped than normal felt actually pretty normal. She ended up sideways in the middle of the night, kicking me in the face — yup, pretty normal.

There were gaps in our provisioning, to be sure. As much as my desert-dwelling instincts want to think that a plastic bag will make as good a raincoat as a raincoat, I think i will be trolling the local Goodwills next week to get G some proper rain gear. Beckie and G’s hike up Weatherford was cut short by a storm, leaving too long an afternoon in too restricted a space. Happiness vs. cleanliness: The Battle of the Campground. I was riding for 12 hours, I had my own problems. But this was an excellent dry run prior to our trip to Colorado in 2 weeks, and inspired a list of necessary purchases. As well as our confidence that Genevieve camping for a week might not be the most horrible thing we’ve ever experienced.