Brain Candy: August 16

This video is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while. They nailed is so well. Thanks to bike=good (Mike) for the linky.

Hysterical article. I dated a screamer for a little while, and at first it was cool and I felt like a rockstar! Then all the “fuck me like a whore fuck me daddy fuck me fuck me” got to be a lot of pressure, and I became very self-conscious of the potency of my masterful member. But props to them for keeping that much passion for several years.

Another triumph for freedom courtesy of the Bush Administration! My favorite quote:

Congress approved the fencing in a 14-mile stretch from the Pacific Ocean in 1996 but the government faced stiff opposition over the westernmost piece. In 2004, the California Coastal Commission refused to grant permits, saying damage to sensitive habitats outweighed security benefits. In 2005, Chertoff overrode the commission’s objections – as well as a federal lawsuit by the Sierra Club – by exercising new powers to waive legal and regulatory challenges to get the fence built. He has since used that power to clear the way for hundreds of miles of fencing in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

Some aphorisms from our trip to Greece in 1999, that I wrote down and just found the list while cleaning the house today. It is quite crumpled. I feel a lot like Earl Hickey

  • Being an American traveller in a third world country is a lot like eating baclava. It is lavish and sweet but leaves you feeling slightly sick.
  • Knowing there is a dog that misses you is a cause for immediate homesickness
  • Topless beaches are a classic ase of a free rider problem. It is also hard to apply sunscreen without it looking like you are jerking off.
  • something I scribbled about Olympics…
  • Apollo got a lot more play than Artemis, just as the Department of Defense is a lot sexier than the Department of the Interior.
  • High taxes with moral uncertainties are a fair price to pay for an unbeatable military, especially when you consider the alternative. (NB: I am no longer so certain of that, but it made sense in Sparta).