Invention III: The Final Conflict

Twisting to use the ironing board was hurting my back, affecting my cadence, and subject to G beating the crap out of it and knocking over my laptop.

After Beckie installed this:

and seeing the incredibly tunable overhead trays in the hospital:

Beckie came up with this:

I helped a little, mostly providing the inspiration when I added a slot to the ghetto bike rack as we prepare for the Hei Hei 29.   Between work responsibilities, Netflix, and the slingbox, I may never visit The Harem again.


Alana Crying

gawdamn when Alana finally gets going, she has some serious pipes, and the grit to use them.   A chick who is a screamer is kinda sexy, except when its 3am and its your daughter.   How such a determined thumping comes out of such a quiet little package I do not know.   Its exactly as awful and excruciating as Jo’s squawking, except that Jo went off in bursts of 8 then STFU, Alana just screams and screams and screams and screams until you just want to stuff her right back into the hole she came out of.   Its chinese water-torture, its the ticking of the Doomsday clock, its the drumming of the orcs in the Mines of Moria.   If Genevieve inherits her strung intensity from me, Alana gets her patient endurance from Beckie – she must use up all her spare calories in her outbursts, cause she crashes like a marathoner when its finished.

The good thing is that Alana is predictable.   She has very strong feelings about her pants – she wants them left on, but cleaned, magically.   She cries worse when her pants are off than when they are dirty.   She also has a dulled reaction time – when feeding her, this works against my being able to quiet her down, as milk must be nearly drowning her before she realizes she is getting what she wants.   But when changing her, if I can distract her or pull the old switcharoo making her think the changing table is her bouncy chair, I might just get her bum wiped before she realizes its time to unleash the sonic assault.   Then its back to

Gathering the Flock

When I was young I recall several times categorizing all my stuffed animals, with the intention of having a celebratory day by species.   I didn’t really have more than one of anything other than dogs, so the Summer Tour concept never materialized beyond Tribute to Dogs Day, which probably lasted about 14 minutes.

This is so much cuter.   G’s been fiddling around with this on and off for a couple days now.   The flock started smaller, the blue one just got added recently.