A Narrowly Avoided Faux Pas

I asked Beckie the other day if she was showing faster for this pregnancy than for the last one.

This was a potential hand-grenade of a question.

Beckie and I have pretty much both been religious about exercise for as long as I can remember. Sometimes we are better or worse, but its been a long time since either one of us looked sloshy. and yet, there it was. A fair question, if you don’t ask it to a woman, a pregnant woman, a pregnant woman facing 110 degrees between her and a run, an overstressed pregnant woman already dealing with one obsessive-compulsive tinyMonster. Its fair especially since Beckie didn’t show at all til like 6 months with Genevieve, won the Tour of the White Mountains, and hiked Flatiron on New Years Eve at 7.5 months. And even more especially since I have been doing the shopping and can state emphatically that our grocery list has been pretty damn good.

I asked it very politely. as an interested party, an amicus curiae as it were. but I had to know!

Apparently women show faster the 2nd time around. I have since received independent confirmation of this, by a mere coincidence of listening in on someone else’s conversation. Beckie, too,   was prompt and objective in her response.



  1. You dodged the bullet on that one..
    FWIW, guys show more quickly on the 2nd
    pregnancy as well. (still trying to loose
    my weight! 😉

    You get the Curt Gowdy Big Balls for aks-ing
    that one my man!

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